When I hear two-step, I think of the country western dance, likely because I’m a Texan. While this is certainly one type of two-step, another type is a communication theory. It is called the Two-Step Flow Communication Theory. In my opinion, it is a more accurate representation on how society receives information currently. While the Hypodermic Needle Theory might have been an accurate representation years ago, the Two-Step Flow Theory is more accurate in modern times.
The main idea of this theory is that the media releases information, opinion leaders then decide what is important and shares this with the masses. Their followers take and trust this information because they trust the opinion leaders more than the news.
Media bias has become increasingly more of an issue due to current events. This has led to the two-step flow of information becoming more common. False news has also increased, forcing audiences to find their news elsewhere, hence the turn to opinion leaders. Opinion leaders have grown in popularity because their audience trusts them when they can’t trust mass media.
One great example of opinion leaders currently, is social media influencers. Influencers have built an audience that trusts their opinions. This is why brands utilize influencers to market their products. It is more effective than traditional marketing because consumers trust influencers more than the brand itself.
The Two-Step Flow Theory has significant relevance in my life. I tend to receive my news from users on social media, as opposed to traditional media. This means that I am receiving my news from opinion leaders who have decided what is important to share and what is irrelevant. If I decide to share news with my friends, it’s news that I find interesting from opinion leaders. This is where criticism comes in regarding this theory. It only explains the diffusion of information through the point of the audience receiving news from opinion leaders. It doesn’t cover the spread of news after that. When I take news I have learned from an opinion leader and share it with my friends, this is outside this theory.
This theory has a lot of relevance in the current times. With the rise of skepticism regarding mass media, people are turning their attention to opinion leaders. While this theory does have some flaws, I believe it’s a more accurate representation of how the diffusion of information begins in current society.